Arthritis pain and joint ailments Bee stings and bug bites Cuts and bruises Coughs, colds and flu Dry cracked and bleeding skin Ear aches Eczema Fibromyalgia Hemorrhoids Leg cramps Lupus Menstrual Cramps Migraine headaches Minor Burns Muscle aches and pains Nail Fungus Pain from Neuropathy Pets and livestock (helps in healing sores, cuts and relief from arthritis and muscle pain) Restless Leg Syndrome Shingles Sinus congestions and headaches Soreness from exercise or minor sports injuries Sunburns Throat and chest congestion and more! Whether you are an individual seeking a natural alternative or a medical office (doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or veterinarian) wanting to supply proven quality products to your patients, look no further than Unker’s® Multi-Purpose Medicated Products!